Visiting Professor in DAFNAE
DAFNAE hosts several Visiting Professors to support teaching activities and establish new collaborations:
Academic Year 2023/2024
- Mattew J. Stone (Curriculum vitae) from the California State University - Chico (USA). Course: "Food and wine: insights from abroad" within the Second-cycle Degree in Italian Food and Wine.
- Mussie Y. Habteselassie (Curriculum vitae) from the University of Georgia (USA). Course: "Sustainable agriculture: perspectives from abroad" within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
Academic Year 2022/2023
- Davide Rigoni from the Hult International Business School (UK). Course: "Consumer Behavior" within the Second-cycle Degree in Italian Food and Wine.
- Gerald M. Henry (Curriculum vitae) from the University of Georgia (USA). Course: "Sustainable agriculture: perspectives from abroad" within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
- Mattew J. Stone (Curriculum vitae) from the California State University - Chico (USA). Course: "Food and wine: insights from abroad" within the Second-cycle Degree in Italian Food and Wine.
Academic Year 2021/2022
- John J. Snider (Curriculum vitae) from the University of Georgia (USA). Course: "Sustainable agriculture: perspectives from abroad" within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
- Davide Rigoni from the Hult International Business School (UK). Course: "Consumer Behavior" within the Second-cycle Degree in Italian Food and Wine.
- George Vellidis (Curriculum vitae) from the University of Georgia (USA). Course: "Precision farming" within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
- Miguel L. Cabrera (Curriculum vitae)from the University of Georgia (USA). Course: "Agricultural Management of Biogeochemical Cycles" (in collaboration with Prof. Morari) within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
- Mattew J. Stone (Curriculum vitae) from the California State University - Chico (USA). Course: "Food and wine: insights from abroad" within the Second-cycle Degree in Italian Food and Wine.
Academic Year 2020/2021
- Timothy L. Grey (Curriculum vitae) from the University of Georgia (USA). Course: "Sustainable agriculture: perspectives from abroad" within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
- Peggy Ozias-Akins (Curriculum vitae) from the University of Georgia (USA). Course: "Plant Breeding" (in collaboration with Prof. Barcaccia) within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
- Miguel L. Cabrera (Curriculum vitae) from the University of Georgia (USA). Course: "Agricultural Management of Biogeochemical Cycles" (in collaboration with Prof. Morari) within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
- Matthew J. Stone (Curriculum vitae) from the California State University - Chico (USA). Course: "Food and wine: insights from abroad" within the Second-cycle Degree in Italian Food and Wine.
Academic Year 2019/2020
- Peggy Ozias-Akins (Curriculum vitae) from the University of Georgia (USA). Course: "Plant Breeding" (in collaboration with Prof. Barcaccia) within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
- Gerald M. Henry (Curriculum vitae) from the University of Georgia (USA). Course: "Integrated Management of Arthropod Pests" (in collaboration with Prof. Pozzebon) within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
- Miguel L. Cabrera (Curriculum vitae) from the University of Georgia (USA). Course: "Agricultural Management of Biogeochemical Cycles" (in collaboration with Prof. Morari) within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
- Alan Tagore Bakalinsky (Curriculum vitae), former Professor at the Oregon State University (USA). Course: "Food and wine: insights from abroad" within the Second-cycle Degree in Italian Food and Wine.
- Per Møller (Curriculum vitae), former Professor at Copenhagen University (Denmark). Course: "Consumer behavior" (in collaboration with Prof. Bisiacchi) within the Second-cycle Degree in Italian Food and Wine.
- Cristiane Pilon (Curriculum vitae) from the University of Georgia (USA). "Sustainable agriculture: perspectives from abroad" within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
Academic Year 2018/2019
- Marc W.van Iersel (Curriculum vitae) from the University of Georgia (USA). Course: "Crop Physiology" within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
- Mas Baron Albert (Curriculum vitae) from Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain). Course: "Food Microbiology and Quality" within the Second-cycle Degree in Italian Food and Wine.
- Anna Nowacka Malgorzata (Curriculum vitae) from Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland). Course: "Quality processing and sensorial analysis of Italian food" (in collaboration with Prof. Marangon) within the Second-cycle Degree in Italian Food and Wine.
- Missaoui Ali Mekki (Curriculum vitae) from University of Georgia (USA). Course: "Plant Breeding" within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
Academic Year 2017/2018
- Prof. Dinesh Prasad (Curriculum vitae). Visiting professor within the ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility for Teaching programme | Course of Micropopagation (content in italian)
- Prof. GAUCHAN P. Dhurva (Curriculum vitae). Visiting professor nell'ambito del programma ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility for Teaching | Course of Micropopagation (content in italian)
- Prof. Cecilia Elizabeth McGregor (Curriculum vitae). Visiting Professor of Plant Breeding within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture
- Prof. Per Møller (Curriculum vitae). Course of "Food and Wine: perspectives from abroad" within the Second-cycle Degree in Italian Food and Wine.
Academic Year 2016/2017
- Prof. Daniel Gianola (Curriculum Vitae). Seminars (see below) | Courses (26th June - 7th July 2017)
- Seminar "Application of kernel methods and neural networks in quantitative genetics" - 7th June 2017 | Download Announcement (.PDF)
- Seminar "Enhancing and evaluating prediction machines using resampling: applications to animal and plant breeding" - 21st June 2017 | Download Announcement (.PDF)
- Course "An introduction to Bayesian methods for scientists" - 26-30th June 2017 | Download Syllabus (.PDF)
- Course "Prediction of complex traits" - 3rd-7th July 2017 | Download Syllabus (.PDF) | Labs with Prof. Gustavo de los Campos | Download Syllabus (.PDF)
- Prof. Alan Tagore Bakalinsky (Curriculum Vitae). Course of "Food and Wine: perspectives from abroad" within the Second-cycle Degree in Italian Food and Wine
- Prof. George Vellidis (Curriculum Vitae). Course of "Precision Farming" within the Second-cycle Degree in Sustainable Agriculture.
Academic Year 2015/2016
- Prof. Dorcas Franklin (Curriculum Vitae). Course of "Sustainable Agriculture Management" within the Second-cycle Degree in Agricultural Science and Technology
- Prof. Flavio Forabosco (Curriculum Vitae). Course of "Livestock production, breeding, selection and impact on climate change" within the Second-cycle Degree in Animal Science and Technology
- Prof. David Radcliffe (Curriculum Vitae). Course of "Computer Modeling of Soil and Water Resources" within the Second-cycle Degree in Land and Environment Science and Technology
- Prof. Myron Zalucki (Curriculum Vitae). Course of "Ecology and management of insect pest of agriculture, forestry and urban habitats" within the PhD Programme in Crop Science