- Overview
- Facts and figures
Academic staff
Full professors
- Gianni Barcaccia
- Andrea Battisti
- Antonio Berti
- Giovanni Bittante
- Maurizio Borin
- Sergio Casella
- Martino Cassandro
- Andrea Curioni
- Massimo De Marchi
- Carlo Duso
- Luigi Gallo
- Margherita Lucchin
- Roberto Mantovani
- Francesco Morari
- Serenella Nardi
- Maurizio Ramanzin
- Paolo Sambo
- Stefano Schiavon
- Gerolamo Xiccato
- Giuseppe Zanin
Associate professors
- Marina Basaglia
- Stefano Bona
- Claudio Bonghi
- Alessandro Botton
- Alessio Cecchinato
- Giuseppe Concheri
- Viviana Corich
- Massimo Faccoli
- Rossella Ghisi
- Alessio Giacomini
- Anna Lante
- Giovanna Lomolino
- Stefano Macolino
- Mario Malagoli
- Lorenzo Marini
- Antonio Masi
- Roberta Masin
- Nicola Mori
- Gabriella Pasini
- Mauro Penasa
- Andrea Pitacco
- Benedetto Ruperti
- Michela Schiavon
- Michele Scotton
- Andrea Squartini
- Enrico Sturaro
- Franco Tagliapietra
- Teofilo Vamerali
- Serena Varotto
- Simone Vincenzi
- Researchers (permanent)
- Researchers (temporary)
- Teaching contracts
Full professors
Technical and administrative staff
- Mattia Aresu
- Sara Bacelle
- Loredana Ballin
- Alice Belluco
- Massimo Cagnin
- Carlo Camarotto
- Valerio Cardillo
- Milena Carlot
- Lorenzo Carotta
- Elisabetta Carraro
- Luca Carraro
- Flavio Da Ronch
- Claudia Dal Buono
- Patrizia Dall'Ara
- Roberto Degan
- Flavio Facchinelli
- Donatella Fagotto
- Vittorio Ferrari
- Deborah Franceschi
- Lorenzo Giorato
- Valter Giraldo
- Luca Grigoletto
- Simone Guzzon
- Luciano Magro
- Adriano Massignan
- Katia Milan
- Lamarika Molinari
- Rosalba Moro
- Paolo Paolucci
- Alberto Pasimeni
- Diego Pizzeghello
- Valentino Pizzocchero
- Riccardo Polese
- Angela Rasori
- Nicoletta Redigolo
- Martina Salmaso
- Silvia Santagata
- Caterina Sigolo
- Alberto Simonetto
- Stefano Tiozzo
- Arcangela Tono
- Anna Rita Trentin
- Mara Vegro
- Stefania Zannoni
Academic staff
- Governance
- Getting here
- Patents and Spin Off
- Transparent administration
- International Area
UNRAVELING EARTH’S GREENHOUSE GAS BALANCE WITH MEASUREMENTS - University of Padova in the european network with a station in Treviso province
Italian scientific community, as a Joint Research Unit (JRU), has signed an official agreement to which fifteen institution participates, including national research centres and universities, with the aim of supporting and promoting the italian participation to ICOS-RI (Integrated Carbon Observation System – Research Infrastructure), a pan-european research infrastructure which provides harmonized and high precision scientific data on carbon cycle and greenhouse gas budget and perturbations.
University of Padova participates to this network with a measuring station in Negrisia di Ponte di Piave in the province of Treviso, maintained by Andrea Pitacco (DAFNAE), professor of Crop-Atmosphere Interactions in the Degree Courses of Land and environment Science and Technology and Viticulture and enology Science and Technology at the University of Padova.
For further information:
- ICOS-RI website
- Prof. Andrea Pitacco (andrea.pitacco@unipd.it)