The Department of Agronomy Food Natural resources Animals and Environment (DAFNAE) was founded in 2012 by the fusion of the teaching, technical and administrative staff of the Departments of Environmental Agronomy and Crop Production, Agricultural Biotechnology and Animal Science. The "mission" of the Department is to promote the quality of human life, the competitiveness of the agri-food sector and the sustainable use of natural resources, biotic and abiotic, through the production and dissemination of knowledge on the management and improvement of plants, animals, microorganisms and soil for the production of quality food and biomass, ensuring the conservation of ecological systems, the protection of cultivated plants and preservation of the environment and biodiversity. Assuming that in the agro-food industry the close connections between the environment, crop and animal production, biomass and food require integrated and interdisciplinary approach, vision and methods, the Department DAFNAE develops excellent research and teaching activities in several fields of the agricultural sciences, including the science and technology of plants, animals and microbial organisms, crop and livestock management systems, environmental sustainability, food technology and agricultural biotechnology. The main novelty in the cultural project of the department is to study the environmental and agri-food sectors with an innovative and comprehensive approach, in order to consider and exploit the multidisciplinary interconnections that exist within individual scientific areas and among different steps of the production/transformation chains. In particular, we are organized in a logical and strategic system of units based on scientific disciplinary sectors and aggregations.
The Department represents the reference structure for the following courses:
First-cycle degrees (Bachelor's level)
- Agricultural Science and Technology
- Food Science and Technology
- Animal Science and Technology
- Viticulture and oenology Science and Technology
- Science and Culture of Gastronomy
Second-cycle degrees (Master’s level)
- Agricultural Science and Technology
- Animal Science and Technology
- Food Science and Technology
- Italian Food and Wine
- Sustainable Agriculture
The Department also participates with their teachers to the following courses of study:
• Degree in Agricultural Biotechnology, Biotechnology in place with (inter);
• Master of Science in Biotechnology for Food (inter);
• Degree in Science and Technology for the Environment (inter);
• Degree in Computer Science and the Environment and Territory (inter);
• Degree in Forestry and Environmental Technologies (TFA)
• Degree in Environmental Science and Forestry
• Degree in Protection of the Territory and Landscape
Short presentation
Short presentation