International Summer School- Bioprospecting and Territories
Orto Botanico - Università di Padova
Dal 09.09.2019 al 20.09.2019
The Summer School’s program will bridge the gap between different disciplines by offering a strong multidisciplinary environment. The program focuses on the most relevant aspects of food biodiversity and enviroment, in order to understand how they are related and how they affect human health.
Frontal lesson in University of Padova (Botanical garden), travel excursion in Mountains (Paluzza, Carnia) with field exercitation, excursion in lagoon (Veneto Region) to observe local biodiversity.
300€ (the University of Padova will cover fees for students from Nepal and other SAARC countries)
Stefano Dall’Acqua, Serena Varotto,
Antonio Masi, Barbara Baldan, Massimo De Marchi
The Summer School requires an overall didactic commitment corresponding to 6 CFU / ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
Maximum 30 advanced undergraduate and graduate students (5 places reserved for students from Nepal and other SAARC countries)
Selection criteria
CV and motivational letter (less than 400 words)
Deadline for application
June 28th 2019 preregistration and fellowhship application.
July 8th 2019 confirmation by fee payment. Send your CV and your motivational letter to biodiversity.dsf@unipd.it
Full program and information are available at: www.dsfarm.unipd.it/biodiversity-bioprospecting-and-territories