DAFNAE is Department of Excellence 2023-2027


DAFNAE (www.dafnae.unipd.it) is once again the Department of Excellence admitted to MIUR funding for the CUN 07 Area - Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, with reference to the five-year period 2023-2027.
The press release of the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System (ANVUR) with the list of the 180 approved projects is available at the following address: https://www.anvur.it/news/pubblicato-lelenco-dei-180 -departments-of-excellence-2023-2027/.
Our project, called VITAE (VIno viTe AmbientE), with an expected investment of almost 13 million euros, has as its general strategic objective the development of research, teaching and third mission activities (services to the territory, technology transfer, dissemination, training continues) of the DAFNAE Department in the field of Viticulture and Enology. This objective is expected to be achieved by enhancing the activities carried out at the Conegliano Campus, already dedicated to these topics within the Interdepartmental Center for Research in Viticulture and Oenology (CIRVE) (https://www.cirve.unipd.it) and characterized by a staff of qualified researchers from not only by the DAFNAE but also by the TESAF Department .